Thursday, February 4, 2010

Toxic House, Toxic Health - Article 1

FACT: “….pollutant levels indoors, where 90% of time is spent, may be 2-5 times higher than outdoors.” (U.S. Enviornmental Protection Agency)

Most of us want our homes to be clean and free of harmful germs, but did you know that the chemicals used to kill those germs could do more harm than good? Ever taken to time to flip over that bottle of cleaner before you use it? Go ahead, go grab that bottle of Dawn dish detergent or the ever classic bleach. Many or our common household cleaners have toxic chemicals and bleach agents that are used at pesticides. To be honest, I love the smell of freshly bleached whites but think of it this way, if a chemical kills a plant, what is it doing to your precious body.

Those toxins weaken and destroy your vital body systems: cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, respiratory, reproductive and immune (all systems that contribute to weight loss and muscle building). With this in mind, don’t you think this could slow down your body reaching its full health potiental? From something as “minor” as asthma, allergies and sinus problems, to more fatal diseases like cancer, prevention is much more helpful than treatment that may come too late.

Worried about getting swine flu? Would you rather have a strong immune system or tear your body down by cleaning the house with toxins that break down your God-given ability to fight germs? Im not saying to live filthy, but be aware of the products you are using in your home. The earth was designed to provide everything we need from food to cleaning products.

Have an open mind towards cleaning products in your home and it may be the best decision you made, for yourself and your family. Why not make it a goal to remove the toxic cleaners from your house and give your body the best chance to work at its full potiental. Ask yourself, “If I have to wear gloves to use it, is it safe for my health?”

Still doubt how much these chemicals affect you? Google “Common Household Toxins” and get educated.